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E-learning Education

  • Electronic-learning(E-learning) Class room Implementation

Electronic learning platform creation means the process of students acquiring access to education through digital systems. Most universities and other educational institutions use these channels to help the students access education by using digital tools or alternative applications which can be found throughout the internet. This includes multi-function learning activities and teaching approaches in different platforms to be displayed in digital form for them to access to deal with and dialogue with their lessons. Assessments can be done through this platform too.

Education via e-learning classrooms is a method that uses an online approach to communicate between teachers and students. In this process, the learning management system (LMS) program is necessary and the  program is the mainly core character to take all activities and role plays from an in-person classroom to be taken to the online classroom by using all platforms of e-learning to be displayed for students to access. The program is also a warehouse to keep the students’ information and statistics of students’ learning results. The student can also access and participate in the lessons,  both teacher and student communication ,and exchange lessons between teachers and students. Besides this, assessments can be used to test the students’ learning performance too.

  • The purpose of e-learning

Learning via an electronic platform as we call ‘e-learning’, is an option for the field of education in order to support and add more options to learners so they can access the lessons that they engage in. Especially, the learners who live in the rural areas and remote areas that they cannot access school, they can use this option to learn. E-learning is not determined by the place or situation of learners to access learning, so they can learn anywhere, anytime. The e-learning program is also to designed for shifting towards student-centered learning. In addition, students can manage or perform the learning by themselves as self-directed learning. Self-directed learning via the e-learning system is the main option for students who study in higher education institutes because online education facilitates distance learning that is included in higher education in many countries.

  • The development of the following subject: electronic learning system design
  1. In this subject, the course designer will design and create the textbook and handouts from the classroom text book and adapt them to an electronic text book to be inputted into the program.
  2. The board for e-learning will develop the program and the subject teachers will join hands with the board to design and develop the look of the e-learning program.
  3. The board for camera work is responsible for taking videos of e-learning classrooms in the studio and outside the studio that relate to the contents of the subjects.
  4. The board for video production produces the complete video based on the original footage to be inputted into the e-learning platform.
  5. The board for e-learning designers and the subject teachers help each other to edit the contents of the text book and videos based on the target planning.
  6. The LMS team inputs the education videos into program that they have created.
  7. The LMS team creates a barcode for teachers and students to access to conduct their education.
  8. The teachers can use the barcode that the LMS team provides to access the program.
  9. The students can use the barcode that the LMS team provides to access the program.
  • The work for e-learning

The Distance Learning Division under NUOL Academic Affairs joins hands with the IT Centre and the Lao Development Company have designed and developed the e-learning pattern in 4 basic general knowledge subjects: Lao Study 1 (LS1), Lao Study 2 (LS2), Philosophy (PY) and Politics (PO). In the future, the creation team for e-learning will create and develop the subjects of basic knowledge of even more faculties.

Noted: NUOL will create the e-learning guideline book to be completed in 2021.

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